About Me

- Real Life Mommy
- Let's start out by saying, I'm not a writer. I did not go to school for journalism, nor did I even take any extra writing classes. What you see here is what I learned in your basic high school English classes. I actually majored in Music Business, which did nothing to equip me for writing a blog. I'm a stay at home mom of one 18 month old little boy and he is my world. I am not, nor have I ever been one of those people who reads all of the books, or goes to conferences, or keeps up with the latest parenting trends. I am, however, your normal, young, learn-as-you-go mother who delights in the challenges and can look at life as a collection of moments (often entertaining moments) that create an unpredictable, unforgettable, and unmatchable journey. As I stated in my first post, the glorious struggles, embarrassing moments, joyous successes, and stressful days of being a mom are felt by every single mother, perfect or not, so let’s share, laugh, learn, scream, smile, and cry together.
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Friday, November 4, 2011
Confessions of a blog-aholic?
Ok so the name needs work, but I'm going to make Fridays my confession blog days. This confession is something I just realized a few days ago while running errands with my little man. You know those moms that you see at the store in the mornings who have their little one in tow and they look like a picture out of a magazine? Flawless makeup, not a hair out of place, and every item on their bodies, including the diaper bag and spit up, matches and fits perfectly? I hate them. Not because I think they're bad people and not because I'm jealous, but because I always thought that would be me! You know when you're pregnant and you picture what your life will look like once you enter mommyhood? That's what I pictured for me. I was also going to be back in shape in 6 weeks... I'm still working on that 18 months later, but that's beside the point. I thought I would be out and about daily looking adorable at all times. NEVER HAPPENS! I spend a lot of my time in sweats, and I love it. My little dude is a constant mover, never slowing down for a second, so I figure if I'm going to be on the move with him, I should at least be comfy, right? If I'm having a good day I'll throw on a pair of jeans with my hoodie to go to the store! :-) I guess it makes those days in which I actually do get dressed up a lot more exciting! I'm proud to be a comfy mommy!!
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Haha, love the "back in shape in 6 weeks" bit...I thought the same thing! And I thought I'd be running miles through my whole pregnancy. Little did I know I would be sick & laying on the couch for almost the first half of it! And my little one is almost 11 months now & I am still working on the 'getting back in shape part.' I'm right there with you! ;)