About Me

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Let's start out by saying, I'm not a writer. I did not go to school for journalism, nor did I even take any extra writing classes. What you see here is what I learned in your basic high school English classes. I actually majored in Music Business, which did nothing to equip me for writing a blog. I'm a stay at home mom of one 18 month old little boy and he is my world. I am not, nor have I ever been one of those people who reads all of the books, or goes to conferences, or keeps up with the latest parenting trends. I am, however, your normal, young, learn-as-you-go mother who delights in the challenges and can look at life as a collection of moments (often entertaining moments) that create an unpredictable, unforgettable, and unmatchable journey. As I stated in my first post, the glorious struggles, embarrassing moments, joyous successes, and stressful days of being a mom are felt by every single mother, perfect or not, so let’s share, laugh, learn, scream, smile, and cry together.
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Thursday, November 3, 2011


Funny story….

So one of Carter’s favorite pastimes is to sit on my lap facing me, and learn the names of the strange things protruding off my face.  He can now point to both his and my nose, eyes, mouth, ears, feet, and of course, bellybutton (which is his favorite) on command. He loves to life up his shirt and point to that interesting hole type thing and I think it’s cute.  What isn’t cute is that he’ll now lift up either my husband’s shirt or mine and point to ours.  I’m just waiting for that awkward moment when he does this in public or in front of company.

ANYWAY yesterday we were playing this little game. He’d point to his nose, I’d say nose.  He’d point to my mouth, I’d say mouth.  You get the point.  He then started venturing out from the normal… I’m guessing he was bored with facial features. He started pointing to my neck and chin and shoulders and belly… and then… somewhere else.  Well I don’t really want to teach my 18 month old a word for that part of the female anatomy yet so I looked down and realized that I was wearing a souvenir t-shirt my mom had brought me from their favorite vacation eatery, Toucans. There happened to be a picture of a toucan and the word Toucans written right where he was pointing, so I said TOUCANS! Then the game continued… neck, chin, shoulder, belly, TOUCANS! Dear Future Carter, I’m sorry if this moment somehow affects you later in life.

Have any other moms out there had similar… “moments”?

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