Do you have those days where you desperately need your little one to give you time to take care of things without interruption? Whether it be work, laundry, or even just a little time to relax? Well I do. Lately it has been because I'm actually very busy with work right now and nap-time isn't long enough to accomplish what needs accomplishing. In my "About Me"section it states that I am a stay at home mom, and that is correct, 90% of the time. I do, however, have a job. I'm lucky enough to have a job that allows me to only work a few times a year, and this time of year is the busiest! It's very random, but I'm a choreographer for competitive cheerleading squads, show choirs, and dance teams, and since Illinois starts their cheer competition season soon, November is my heavy month. Creating these routines requires more than 3 minutes here and 3 minutes there, because I then forget what I was doing and have to start over, which is counter productive. (Seriously? Cheerleading isn't a word according to spell check? I feel like I just jumped back in time a few decades...)
Carter has been nice enough these last few days to give me some brief pauses during his play time to allow me to brainstorm and create. The problem is that I know when he's quiet, he's being mischievous!! I'm always scared to look to see what he's doing because I don't want him to stop and want mommy time when I'm being productive, but I know deep down that this "brief pause" will cause more work after the fact.
Example number 1: On Sunday night, Carter and I were hanging out in the church nursery during youth group. My husband is the Youth Director at our church so that ministry is something I've always been heavily involved in, until recently when Carter decided I'm not allowed to leave him (see
11.11.11 EPIC WISH post). ANYWAY I had a routine to teach the next day which I of course had not started. Carter walked to the other side of the room to a table which was conveniently hidden by a tall dry erase board. He was over there the entire service, which was AWESOME! I knew I should check on him, but I let it be, only to find that this table, which at one point shelved about 20 wooden puzzles, was now bare, and the puzzles were in a giant pile on the floor... and not in one piece. I won't lie, it was kind of funny... and even more embarrassing, it was kind of fun putting them all back together! (THANKS MICHELLE!)

Example number 2: Today I'm just exhausted. I have a ton to do, but the thought of doing it makes me even more tired, so I want to rest. Carter went into his room for a bit, and though he was mysteriously quiet, I once again let it be. Later, this is what I found... Every diaper out of the hanging rack thing in piles across the room. This is one of 3, but he magically managed to separate them all by corners so I couldn't get more than one in a picture. He did help me clean up though... by putting them in the hamper, the trash can, the crib... Love my helpful little man!
Oh the orneriness of little boys!!!
p.s. Ornery, when pronounced correctly (which I never do), might be the ugliest word in the English language. Dang you Carter for making me use it so often! :)
Most of our quiet moments resulted in "wall art", "bed art" or some other form of writing on the furniture...M's and N's everywhere! By the time Sean came along...he wasn't allowed to use markers or crayons :)
ReplyDeleteSilence scares me!!! I have a 4.5 yr old and a 2.5 yr old. Normally, they are NEVER quiet together. If they are...I'm scared to discover the "truth!" Debbie's comment about "wall art" sooo happens in my house as well! Great post :))